Sunday, September 6, 2020

10 days on

I am now 10 days in to the recovery zone, and I'm doing OK. The headaches have dissipated, the rash is gone (it only lasted a couple of days), the itchiness has eased off almost completely and the fatigue is a lot less intense than it was. Although, when talking about the fatigue it is hard to guess if it's related to the Lemtrada infusion or just the MS in general. 

Around Day 4 of recover, so maybe a week ago, my legs felt like concrete. I couldn't walk well, and when I did, I more dragged than walked. In all honesty this time feels a lot worse than last year. However, last year I was in hospital for half the time anyway, so it's a very different game in 2020. 

The blood tests which came back the last day of the treatment did not have a full report done. It seems one of the vials which was taken had some issues, and the blood clotted. 

It's probably from the arm which now, 10 days later, has a huge black bruise on it from where the nurse decided to jiggle it around a bit to get the blood out of the vein a bit better. So all the really interesting results; White blood count, red blood cell, lymphocytes etc, don't have any information to share. Which is really disappointing. Hopefully the test I get done at the end of September will give me a lot more information. This is really important this month, as with the relocation at the beginning of October (more on this story in our "Adventures" blog), I kind of want to know how I am doing before leaving. 

I haven't had any other side-effects (touch wood), and hope it stays like this. I'm now in the 12 weeks of shielding. We are both being super careful. COVID-19 just puts the additional sting in the shielding and makes us even more aware of how and where we are going. I have only left the house to go out to the garden and bins. I haven't ventured outside the gate yet. I sit at the window in the lounge and watch people wander down the street. I think I've become that woman in the window watching all the comings and goings of the neighbours. Hah! I'm bored... even watching the police station which we look out over is boring! Nothing exciting happening there. 

I'm doing OK. A little stir crazy, but I'm OK. All I can say is thank goodness for Ipad game like Words with Friends (thanks everyone who plays along), NetFlix, Amazon, and Plex! I don't know what I would have done without them! 

Stay safe and well everyone. 
